Sacred Heart Catholic School offers all students the opportunity to study the arts. Through experiences in the classroom and extracurricular activities, the art department works with classroom teachers to increase the artistic development of every student.
Each elementary student attends art class once a week throughout the year, and an arts-integrated curriculum is utilized throughout all subject areas at the elementary school. Student art is exhibited throughout the year in the elementary school and in the community at various art shows. Each spring, the elementary school’s study of the arts culminates with its Annual Cultural Arts Fair.
At the high school level, visual art is offered as an elective at the junior high and high school levels. Students regularly participate in school and community art shows and events showcasing their talent.
The Performing Arts Department at Sacred Heart Catholic School strives to educate and inspire young artists to be passionate actors, singers, and musicians. From the weekly music classes at the elementary school to specialized electives offered at the high school level, students are provided with a rigorous and exciting educational experience in the performing arts.