Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations...Teaching them to carry out everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20
These words of Christ addressed to the apostles at the Ascension bestowed on the Church the office of teacher. Obedient to this divine challenge, the Church provides education permeated with the spirit of Christ and dedicated to promoting the full development of the human person. Sacred Heart Catholic School takes seriously its mission to form students as intentional disciples. Daily prayer experiences, Mass attendance, retreats and the formal teaching of the Catholic faith are offered to all students.
Since parents have conferred life on their child, they have the most solemn obligation to educate their child and live as their example. Parents should clearly recognize how vital a true Christian family is for the life and development of each person. The Christian life can be strengthened by the daily practice of morning and evening prayers and by going to church as a family each week.
An expressed respect for the tenets of the Catholic faith is expected by students, faculty and parents. Upon enrollment, Sacred Heart parents have assumed the obligation of cooperating with the school’s religious program.
High school students have an opportunity to come before Christ in His entirety - His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - in the practice of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Held on alternating Thursdays during religion class, adoration provides students a time alone with Jesus in the chapel. They may wish to pray, read the Bible, contemplate acts of faith, hope and charity, or sit quietly. This practice allows students the opportunity to take prayer to a new level and experience the ‘real presence” of our Lord.
High School adoration days and times are noted on the school calendar and are open to parents, parishioners and family members. All visitors are required to sign in at the high school office upon arrival.
The high school Campus Ministry Team is composed of upperclassmen who have heard the call of God to minister to their peers. Team members are selected annually and receive training in small group leadership, prayer development and other ministry skills during diocesan and local workshops. The team meets regularly to plan retreats and conducts small group meetings for their peers. They also plan liturgies and provide administration with current information concerning the spiritual needs of the student body.
Annual grade-level retreats are organized by elementary religion teachers and the high school Campus Ministry Team. Retreats are designed to give students a chance to examine and grow their faith relationship with Jesus Christ, while experiencing activities that strengthen their bonds as classmates and educate them on becoming intentional disciples.
Sacred Heart elementary and high school students participate in community service projects throughout the year, serving those in need and supporting their surrounding communities. Furthermore, 7th and 8th graders are required to fulfill 60 hours of community service per school year, and 9th through 12th graders are expected to complete 80 hours of community service. Parents are also required to give back to the community as part of their commitment to Sacred Heart. Community service is an integral component of living the Sacred Heart Way by "honoring God with our thoughts, actions, and deeds."
Faith Formation Groups provide opportunities to nurture discipleship, leading to transformation and growth. Students share and grow by celebrating faith in prayer and reflection, encouraging and caring for each other and all those we serve, and acting with truth and compassion.
Mass is held on Thursdays and Holy Days of Obligation at Sacred Heart Catholic Church for elementary students (8:30 a.m.) and the High School Chapel for high school students (9:30 a.m.) Masses last approximately 1 hour, and parents, parishioners and other guests are welcome to attend. All visitors to the high school are required to sign in at the office upon arrival.
Prayers are introduced at various grade levels, and students may or may not be expected to have them memorized. However, students are expected to have an understanding of these prayers, as they will be a part of our prayer at school. We encourage parents to also pray with your child(ren) at home. A list of prayers is available in the student handbook.
Annual grade-level retreats are organized by elementary religion teachers and the high school Campus Ministry Team. Retreats are designed to give students a chance to examine and grow their faith relationship with Jesus Christ, while experiencing activities that strengthen their bonds as classmates and educate them on becoming intentional disciples.